Booking Information
Prices start from £165 per night
Check in days are Monday or Friday.
Check out days Monday, Thursday or Friday.
Terms & Conditions
50% deposit is required to secure your booking, then the balance is due 8 weeks before your stay. If your stay is within 8 weeks, full payment must be made at the time of booking.
We fully understand that there may be circumstances where you are unable to continue with your booking. If this is 8 weeks or more in advance of your stay then we will refund you in full. If it is less than 8 weeks, we will endeavour to re-book your booking, in which case we can refund you. If you decide not to come and it is too late for us to re-sell the pod, then unfortunately we are unable to provide refunds. We strongly recommend taking out travel insurance to cover such eventualities.
By booking and staying on the Woodland Champions Club site or using its facilities you agree to become a member of Woodland Champions Club and have your details shared. There is no fee for glamping membership and your details may be shared by Woodland Champions Club for the purposes of the running of the Club.